I was in the beautiful city of San Francisco for a food conference over the weekend. I made a faux pa or two on the first day of this glorious event. a) waking up late b) forgetting that I'm not "in Kansas anymore" and that coffee and gluten free breakfasts were not going to be readily available.
The good news? Coffee WAS readily available. It just meant I had to hurry through the getting ready process so I could go downstairs, fly through registration and then find the nearest coffee pot and tap a vein.
The bad news? Gluten-full muffins, toast, granola and bagels were everywhere. And a tiny, little bowl of fruit. (I should have set my alarm for earlier!)
I did manage to find the Athenos Greek Yogurt vendor. I enjoyed it so much I've actually been scouring my local SoCal grocery stores for it. No luck yet.
Day 2 of my food blogging convention presented the same quandary as Day 1: What to eat for breakfast?
There are just some days when I'm traveling that I want more than fruit and/or eggs for breakfast. Yes. It's a carb craving!
Thankfully, I was incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to host this delicious party that morning, sponsored by none other than Udi's!
I decided to exercise my fledgling new "fancy camera" photography techniques that I learned while I set up a "gluten free breakfast bar" for myself and other hungry gluten free convention guests.
(Note that the light for the muffin picture above is "10 o'clock" light. It is a technique I learned from my first food photography tutorial by www.whiteonrice.com. They rocked.)
I would like to have this kind of gluten free breakfast bar every morning! (Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffins, Bagels, four varieties of granola and two types of gluten free bread. Not pictured - my favorite Lemon Muffins)
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